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A Progmatic View

The question of what is prog and what isn’t, a constant topic of conversation and confrontation often leading to heated arguments and harsh words in our mostly peaceful & placid community of music lovers.  Most recently, and still quite current, is a thread...

Short Term Gain…Long Term Pain…

If you were born in the 5 to10 years following the second world war, then you are part of a large group of people generally referred to as ‘Baby Boomers’ .  This group of people have played a very significant role in the events leading up to the present...

Collective Burdening

When  collective bargaining agreements (CBA) were signed into law during the 40’s, I’m not sure the enormous consequences of such were realized to the full.  The repercussions, in particular, the public sector workforce, have been felt ever since. ...

Social Inflation

Inflation…a word that is usually associated with the Bank of Canada or other monetary regulator. Inflation is much more, and is responsible for most of our economic problems that have, and are continuing to wreak havoc on our world. This article is prompted by the...